Beautiful Village Views
One of the projects that our team has been working on recently has been helping provide water filtration systems to communities in rural areas of Myanmar, in collaboration with Samaritan’s Purse International. We were able to build this system in three different villages in Northern Chin state. The clean water that each system provides can clean 1200 litres of water in just 24 hours!
For each of the villages a Village Water Committee has been formed, ensuring that the maintenance and future upkeep of the system will be ensured. We utilised our time in the villages to conduct a WASH Hygiene Promotion Campaign, advocating for proper sanitation.
This development assistance and awareness raising rendered by KM helps us to fulfil our vision of keeping children in families, and preventing unnecessary family separation. Families and communities who are better empowered are less likely to send their children away to live in orphanages in bigger cities! The more accessible necessities such as water, healthcare and education are, the easier it is for families in these areas to keep their children.